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ARGE Höhle und Karst Stuttgart e.V.
Information about us















Who we are

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft (ARGE) Höhle und Karst Stuttgart is a caving club consisting of cavers who enjoy exploring and documenting caves in the south-west region of Germany.

The map below shows our region and the distribution of our members
Distribution of our members

We offer you a warm welcome if you have an interest in this field and most of our members can speak English.

If you would like to get in touch with us, just drop a line to:
Michael Ross (President),
Geisswiesen Strasse 17,
72070 Tuebingen
Tel: +49 (0)7071-969011
Fax: +49 (0)7071-969012
e-mail: arge-hoehle-stuttgart[at]t-online.de

What we do

Our activities consist of:
  • Exploration, surveying and documenting caves.
  • Drawing up cave plans.
  • Searching for new caves.
  • We also make an effort to protect caves and karst landscapes wherever we can.
Our main activities are centred around the following areas:
  • North east of Stuttgart:
    • Near Rothenburg on the Tauber river, includes the Fuchslabrynth (Fox maze) cave, Ölloch (Oil-hole cave) and the Schandtauber cave system consisting of 3 caves (Schandtauber caves 1, 2 and 3).
  • South west of Stuttgart:
    • Oberndorf (on the Neckar river), includes the Wasserfallhöhle (Waterfall cave) and Haugenlochhöhle (Haugen hole cave).
In all our caves there is lots of potential for more exploration and we also have a list of projects that we are gradually working through. Click here for the project list..

The links on the left side of this page take you to our main pages which, unfortunately, are still all in German, however, you can see photos and cave plans if you click on the link HÖHLEN in the list.
We also publish a magazine in German called, "Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Karstkunde in Südwestdeutschland", which roughly translates as "Studies of caves and karst landscapes in south-west Germany".
A list of these publications with their tables of contents (unfortunately in German) can be reached if you click the link PUBLIKATIONEN in the list on the left of this page.

You can subscribe to the magazine by contacting:
Thomas Rathgeber
Frank-Sinatra-Strasse 4,
71711 Steinheim an der Murr
Tel: 07144-37990
e-mail: rathgeber[at]gmx.de

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Back to the main page (Hauptseite) in German